


来源:新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2018-07-18 09:55









01、Aranjuez监狱,西班牙 阿兰胡埃斯

Spain's Aranjuez Prison lets parents and children stay with their incarcerated family members. With Disney characters on the walls, a nursery, and a playground, the goal is to prevent kids from realizing, as long as possible, that a parent is behind bars.


nursery  [ˈnɜ:rsəri]
n. 幼儿园

behind bars


02、Bastøy监狱,挪威 霍滕


Bastøy prison is the largest low-security prison in Norway. The prison is located at Bastøy island in the Oslo Fiord.


On Bastoy prison island, the prisoners, some of whom are murderers and rapists, live in conditions that critics brand 'cushy' and 'luxurious'. Yet it has by far the lowest reoffending rate in Europe.


cushy  [ˈkʊʃi]
adj. 轻松舒适的

luxurious [lʌgˈʒʊriəs]
adj. 豪华的

reoffending rate


03、Luzira监狱,乌干达 坎帕拉

In Luzira, inmates are assigned more responsibility that would be in similar prisons in the United Kingdom or the USA. Inmates assume responsibility for maintenance of harmony and functionality of the units where they live, including the growing and harvesting of food, its preparation and its distribution within the prison.


Learning is encouraged, with many men learning and teaching carpentry skills to others. The guard to prisoner ration in Luzira is about 1:35, compared to 1:15 in the UK. The recidivism rate in Luzira is less than 30 percent, compared with 46 percent in the UK and 76 percent in the United States.


inmate  [ˈɪnˌmet]
n. (监狱里的)犯人

harvesting  ['hɑ:vɪstɪŋ]
n. 收割 ,收获

carpentry  [ˈkɑ:rpəntri]
n. 木工手艺

recidivism  [rɪˈsɪdəˌvɪzəm]
n. 再犯罪


04、圣地亚哥女子监狱,哥伦比亚 卡塔赫纳

Inmates at the San Diego Women’s Prison in Cartagena get a taste of freedom every night as they morph into cooks, waitresses and dishwashers at “Interno”.


25 of the nearly 180 inmates housed here were selected as part of a program looking to help women near the end of their sentences transition back into society.


morph  [mɔ:rf]
n. 变身;变形

transition  [trænˈzɪʃn]
n. 过渡


05、哈尔登监狱,挪威 哈尔登

Halden Prison is a maximum-security prison in Halden,Norway.Sports and music are available to the prisoners, who interact with the unarmed staff to create a sense of community.


Praised for its humane conditions, Halden Prison has received the Arnstein Arneberg Award for its interior design in 2010, but has also received criticism for being too liberal.


interact [ˌɪntɚˈækt]
v. 互动

humane [hjuˈmen]
adj. 仁爱的;高尚的


06、Norgerhaven监狱,荷兰 芬赫伊曾

Inmates at the Norgerhaven prison in Veenhuizen, Netherlands, have a bed, furniture, a refrigerator, and a TV in their cells, as well as a private bathroom.


The crime rates in the Netherlands are so low, that they faced an “undercrowding” crisis. To solve this “problem”, the country struck a deal with Norway in 2015, to take on their prison overflow. Now part of Norwegian inmates serve their sentences in Norgerhaven.


undercrowding  ['ʌndəkraʊdɪŋ]
n. 过于稀疏

overflow [ˌoʊvərˈfloʊ]
n. 泛滥


07、HMP Addiewell监狱, 苏格兰 洛锡安

HMP Addiewell is a learning prison, where residents can address their offending behaviour and the circumstances which led to their imprisonment through Purposeful Activity.

HMP Addiewell是一所学习性监狱,囚犯可以通过Purposeful Activity来改正他们的违法行为。

Purposeful activities include education, counseling and work. Nature and family contact whilst in prison is also a fundamental element of the rehabilitation process.

Purposeful Activity包括教育、咨询和工作。在服刑期间,与自然和家庭接触也是改造过程的基本要素。

imprisonment  [ɪm'prɪznmənt]
n. 监禁

whilst [hwaɪlst]
conj. 同时

rehabilitation  [ˌrihəˌbɪləˈteʃən]
n. 康复


08、黑海豚监狱,俄罗斯 索利-伊列茨克

At Russia's notorious Black Dolphin Prison on the border of Kazakhstan, inmates share small 50-square-foot cells that are set back behind three sets of steel doors. Inmates live in a "cell within a cell”, with 24-hour surveillance.


Black Dolphin houses the most brutal criminals, including serial killers, cannibals, and terrorists. If you combine all the crimes of the inmates, they have killed about 3,500 people. That's an average of five murders per inmate.


notorious  [noʊˈtɔ:riəs]
adj. 臭名昭著的

surveillance  [sɜ:rˈveɪləns]
n. 监督


09、巴里奥斯监狱,萨尔瓦多 圣米格尔

These cells are just 12 feet wide and 15 feet tall, but they're usually packed with more than 30 people. They were initially constructed to serve as 72-hour holding cells, but many inmates stay for more than a year.


construct  [kənˈstrʌkt]
v. 建造


10、Maula监狱,马拉维 利隆圭

The Maula prison in Lilongwe, Malawi, is severely overcrowded — in 2015, almost 200 people were crammed into one 60-person cell. Prisoners there, many of whom are Ethiopian migrants, must share one toilet per 120 people and one tap per 900 people.


Prisoners are fed just once a day, due to the small budget of the Malawian government. One of a few highlights for the inmates is sports. Men are permitted to play football and women can play basketball.


cram  [kræm]
v. 塞满

migrant [ˈmaɪɡrənt]
n. 移民


11、兰茨贝格监狱,德国 兰茨贝格

This is the prison where Hitler wrote "Mein Kampf" and 278 Nazis were executed for war crimes. Nowadays, the conditions are considerably better at Landsberg.


The progressive prison provides 36 courses in their central training centre for occupations such as bakers, electricians, painters, butchers, carpenters, tailors, shoemakers, heating & ventilation workers and bricklayers.


occupation  [ˌɑ:kjuˈpeɪʃn]
n. 职业;工作

ventilation  [ˌvɛntlˈeʃən]
n. 通风


12、宿务监禁康复中心,菲律宾 宿务

CPDRC is a maximum security prison where the prisoners perform dance routines as part of their daily exercise and rehabilitation, and many of their performances are filmed and released online, making them a popular feature among fans and veritable online celebrities.


routine  [ruˈtin]
adj. 日常的

veritable  [ˈvɛrɪtəbəl]
adj. 名副其实的


13、Oslo’s Skien监狱,挪威 奥斯陆

Prisons in Norway are meant to mimic outside conditions as much as possible to prepare inmates to reenter society. At Oslo's Skien prison, inmates have private bathrooms, a TV, video games and access to a gym and yard.


Mass murderer Anders Breivik is currently serving his 21 year sentence there. He tried to sue the state over "cruel" conditions in 2016, however, this man’s prison life would seem luxurious to most people - his cell has three rooms, "one for living, one for studying, and a third for physical exercise — as well as a television, a computer without internet access and a game console.


mimic   [ˈmɪmɪk]
v. 模仿

reenter  [ri:'entə]
v. 重返


14、网走监狱,日本 网走

At Abashiri Prison in Japan, guards inspect inmates' rooms once a day. The prison houses offenders with sentences of 8 years or less. Life inside is very strict, however there's no record of gang violence, rape, drugs or murder at the prison.


Abashiri has a souvenir shop in front of the main gate, where they sell goods made inside the prison. Items sold range from Abashiri Prison Candy to all sorts of hand-made craft work.


strict  [strɪkt]
adj. 严格的

craft  [kræft]
n. 手工艺


15、海地民事监狱,海地 阿尔卡艾

Haiti's Civil Prison, on the coastal town of Arcahaie, is notoriously overcrowded. In 2016, 174 inmates escaped during a riot that left one guard dead and others injured.


riot  [ˈraɪət]
n. 骚乱;暴动


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