☆ 种:探讨人生哲学
Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?(剑4 Test2)
☆ 第二种:暗藏玄机
Some people believe the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to the society, while others say the purpose is to help individuals to achieve ambitions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (2017/10/14 & 2014/04/12真题)
◇ 首先,思路拓展难
考场上碰到这些话题,大多考生就开始泛泛地聊人生哲学,狂煲心灵鸡汤。所以在Task Response(写作任务回应)这块得分不会高,因为考生没有充分展开论证,最直观的体现就是字数不够。
◇ 其次,英文表达难
在聊人生的过程中,Lexical Resource(词汇丰富程度)的问题会随之而来,因为我们基本没有储备过可以表达哲学思想的词汇,而背过的具象话题词汇空无用武之地。
► 解决思路拓展招——缩小范围
Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?
► 解决思路拓展的第二招——找下义词
上义词是对事物的概括性、抽象性说明;下义词是事物的具体表现形式。比如color是上义词,它的下义词是yellow / red / blue / green / purple / white ......
Some people believe the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to the society, while others say the purpose is to help individuals to achieve ambitions.
因此满足个人的“ambitions”和“be useful to the society”可以作为教育的目的共同存在。而为了实现这些目标,我们需要有“良好的学习态度”和“有力的学习能力”。
Some people think job satisfaction is more important than job security, while others believe that having a permanent job is better than enjoying the job. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
People nowadays change careers and place of residence very often. Is it a positive or negative development?
1. 上义词 + such as / including + 下义词 1,2,3…
eg: Factors(上义词)such as loving relationships(下义词1), good health(下义词2), the skills to earn a living(下义词3)and a peaceful environment(下义词4)all contribute to our happiness.
2. 下义词1 + 下义词2 + 下义词3… + and上义词 like those / of these kinds
eg: Loving relationships(下义词1), good health(下义词2), the skills to earn a living(下义词3), a peaceful environment(下义词4)and factors(上义词) like those / of these kinds all contribute to our happiness.
3. 下义词1(强调内容) + and other kinds of 上义词 + such as + 下义词2 + 下义词3…
eg: Good health(下义词1)and other kinds of factors(上义词)such as loving relationships(下义词2), the skills to earn a living(下义词3) and a peaceful environment(下义词4)all contribute to our happiness.