

作者: 2023-08-29 15:17 来源:合肥编辑

鉴于在现阶段上留预级别的同学们来说,很大比例的同学后期都需要参加雅思考试,那么今天要聊一聊雅思口语考试中的俚语使用的魅力。很多同学在应对雅思口语都很慌张有几个原因:第 一,这一部分要求考生能够独立的表达,对于不是特别经常开口的同学来讲,这是一个巨大的挑战。第二,口语的特性是一遍过,讲究即时性,一旦开口说出的话,说错了没办法重来,如果反复的自我修正和重复会影响流利度,反而得不偿失。加之紧张的考试环境和一些其他综合因素,大家应对口语考试时很难做到淡定发挥和游刃有余。常常遇到的困境就是没话找话,尴尬开始,绝望的结束考试。


那么接触过雅思的烤鸭们不难发现,第二部分在cue card卡片上,常常出现的一些口语提示,最后一行基本上写着“And how you feel about it”,这方面往往会被大家忽视。就算注意到了,说到感受,大家除了会直接用形容词去表达就想不出或者很少接触到其他的表达,在词汇这方面没能很好的做到让人印象深刻,殊不知,英语中有很多的俚语可以很好并且恰如其分,生动形象的表达人的感受。那么接下来,就跟大家一起学习常用到的俚语表达,从比较常见的感受有:沮丧-开心-放松 。并且结合雅思口语二一年当季雅思口语话题真题来做简单片段式示范和分析。



词汇: feel frustrated, get upset, get annoyed, get freaked out

俚语:get on my nerve, drive me up to the wall, drive me round the bend, bang ones head against the wall

Part 2-Describe a time when you couldn’t use you cellphone

It got a bit on my nerve when I was told that I couldn’t use my cellphone. I tried to approach the clerk the know the reason. But what I haven’t expected was that she said it was just a rule and even gave me a look of impatience. I had to say this is the moment that kind of drove me up to the wall. The fact that I was forbidden to use the cellphone was enough to make me upset. That attitude made me even just want to bang my head against the wall.


分析:分别讲解下get on my nerve的意思是有惹到某人, drive me up to the wall和 drive me round the bend的意思比较接近,相信大家对drive sb crazy 这个表达并不陌生,意思就是sth 使某人抓狂。而sb want to bang one’s head against the wall就是非常重的程度了,表示沮丧到自闭,生活中有很多瞬间都让人无奈和沮丧,那么这个时候运用简单的一个单词是不是已经不足以表达我们丰富饱满度的感受,俚语一上,瞬间中英差异都缩小一倍。



词汇:happy delighted cheerful enjoyable joyful ecstatic

俚语:to be over the moon, to be tickled pink, to be on cloud nine, to be thrilled to bits

Part 2-Describe an occasion when you celebrate your achievement

At that time, I can’t think of any words to express my excitement. Obviously, I could say that I was  tickled pink because the certificate is not just a piece of paper but the reward for four yeas’ of hard work and persistence. When my parents was informed of it, they phoned me and said that they were also thrilled to bits and could hardly wait to fly to see me and share this glorious moments with me. I suppose this is a sort of thing that could always make me over the moon.




三: 放松的

词汇:feel relaxed,feel unwind, feel rested,feel at ease, to take your mind off things

俚语:to chill out, to kick back, to put your feet up, to let your hair down

Part2- Describe a singer that you like

I really have a crush on this famous singer. If truth to be told, I’ve followed her and became her die-hard fan for a total of 10 years. Can you image it?  As for the reason why I’m so into her is that her album offers me many therapeutic songs, so I guess her voice can somehow make me let my hair down a little bit. Believe it or not, I’ve already had a habit of repeating her songs on the playlist. It’s considered a great way to help me kick back.


分析:放松这个点在口语中简直就是防止哑巴最好的救命稻草,很多时候说做一件事情或者一个行为的原因,都可以很放松扯上点关系。所以,如果找不到什么话说,试试看能不能用这个诀窍来解决。比如:Why do you think people usually watch a movie ?


- Well, I suppose people just want to spend time listening to the live music and watching the show, and you know, being in the crowd and feeling the hot atmosphere is considered a good way to relax, so people choose to chill out by doing so.



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