

作者: 2020-09-08 09:53 来源:合肥编辑


  Some people think that secondary school students should study international news as a school subject but others argue that it would be a waste of valuable school time.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




  关键词:secondary school students+international news+a waste of time




  关于“school subject”(课程)的雅思写作真题:

  1.In some countries,secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects.In others,children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career.Which do you think is appropriate in today’s world?(2015/10/8,2019/9/12)中学应该提供普通教育课程还是职业教育课程?

  2.Art classes,such as painting and drawing,are as important as other subjects to a child’s development and they should be compulsory in high school.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2014/12/20,2017/7/1)艺术课程应该成为高中必修课吗?

  3.Some people think that the government should decide which subject students study at university,while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer.Discuss two views and give your opinion.(2016/7/30)谁来决定学什么课程,政府还是学生?

  4.Some people think that a university student should choose a particular subject rather than a wider range of subjects.to what extent do you agree or disagree?(2017/8/3)大学生应该选学一门课程,还是学很多课程?

  5.Some people think it is important for all children to learn history at school.Others believe that other subjects are more relevant to children’s development today.Discuss both views and give your opinion.(2019/9/10)学生该不该学历史?





  As learning about other countries is becoming more and more important in our life,many people propose that international news become part of the curriculum design in secondary schools.While a course like international news may benefit students in many ways,I think it is a bit too far to make it a formal school subject.

  By taking international news,students can not only learn what is currently going on in other countries,but also achieve a better understanding of their customs,lifestyles,and culture in general.This is particularly relevant today,as the world is becoming increasingly globalized,and we often need to travel to,trade with,and study in other countries.A secondary school student will certainly benefit from the international news course because it provides him/her with a global perspective.

  Yet gaining a global perspective is perhaps not the most important task for secondary school students.Instead,they should take those courses that offer more fundamental knowledge and skills such as math,science,philosophy,and literature,since at this stage of their education,they need to acquire something more basic than international news.Besides,as many secondary school students are not yet mature intellectually and mentally,the excessive exposure to international news may actually have negative influence on their ways of looking at their own country.

  In my view,schools should use caution when they are offering such a course as international news to their students.Though potentially useful,this course may waste the time that students should spend on other more important courses,and if not well treated,it may even do harm to the students.So international news is better to be arranged as an optional course for those who are really interested and those who are psychologically ready.


  01、As learning about other countries is becoming more and more important in our life,many people propose that international news become part of the curriculum design in secondary schools.While a course like international news may benefit students in many ways,I think it is a bit too far to make it a formal school subject.





  (3)It is a bit too far to do...做......有点过分

  02、By taking international news,students can not only learn what is currently going on in other countries,but also achieve a better understanding of their customs,lifestyles,and culture in general.This is particularly relevant today,as the world is becoming increasingly globalized,and we often need to travel to,trade with,and study in other countries.A secondary school student will certainly benefit from the international news course because it provides him/her with a global perspective.





  (3)Achieve a better understanding of...更好地理解......


  (5)Provide somebody with something为某人提供......

  (6)Global perspective全球视野

  03、Yet gaining a global perspective is perhaps not the most important task for secondary school students.Instead,they should take those courses that offer more fundamental knowledge and skills such as math,science,philosophy,and literature,since at this stage of their education,they need to acquire something more basic than international news.Besides,as many secondary school students are not yet mature intellectually and mentally,the excessive exposure to international news may actually have negative influence on their ways of looking at their own country.








  (6)Exposure to...暴露于......,接触......

  04、In my view,schools should use caution when they are offering such a course as international news to their students.Though potentially useful,this course may waste the time that students should spend on other more important courses,and if not well treated,it may even do harm to the students.So international news is better to be arranged as an optional course for those who are really interested and those who are psychologically ready.




  (2)Use caution谨慎行事



  (5)An optional course选修课

  (6)Be psychologically ready心理上做好准备的

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