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2017年07月25日 02:06来源:互联网作者:合肥管理员


Michael is flying back to Australia after visiting his aunt in New York. He is an amateur clown and his ambition is to become a full-time performer. Before he boards the airplane, Michael goes into the airport store for a gift for his wife.With his small allowance, he has the two alternatives of a teddy bear or an alarm clock made of aluminum. 




He takes the clock, as he always needs to make allowances for her never being on time. Fifteen minutes later, Michael is sitting comfortably in his seat. He says hello to the man sitting alongside, asks for some alcohol, and dozes off. Suddenly, a tap on the shoulder awakens him. He looks around and finds that the plane hasn’t gained any altitude; it’s still on the ground. What amazes him is that two policemen then force him to get off the plane and into a police car. 

他买了钟,因为他经常因为妻子不守时而不得不原谅她。15 分钟以后,迈克尔舒舒服服地坐在座位上,他向旁边的人打了个招呼,要了一杯含酒精的饮料,然后打起了瞌睡。突然,他的肩头被人拍了一下,他醒来一看,飞机并没有上升到任何高度,还在地上趴着。让他惊愕的是,两名警察过来押着他下了飞机,又上了一辆警车。


Michael also notices that the police take a suitcase into an ambulance. The suitcase and his own look very alike. This alerts Michael that something has happened. When they arrive at the police station, Michael is very surprised to see the Australian ambassador there, talking to an officer from the office of Alliance of Allies against Terrorism, who keeps looking at Michael with alert eyes. 



Michael’s suitcase is lying on one of the tables, with everything thrown out: some clothes, a key ring with the alphabet on it, a bottle of wine and the clock. The policemen seem to be on the alert against something and their expressions alter when they see the clock—the crew thought it was a bomb and alerted the police!





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