刚刚接触雅思阅读的烤鸭们经常会被雅思阅读题型当中的判断题搞得晕头转向,尤其是对于Not Given 这个选项,很多身经百战的“老司机”烤鸭也偶尔会翻车。
除了此前给大家“部分臆想”式Not Given 之外,没看到的烤鸭戳这里
阅读套路最深的"Not Given"怎么破?(上)
还有另外一种更加有“套路”的Not Given。我们今天继续给大家分享。
2.“完全臆想”式Not Given
有“部分”当然就有“完全”,另一种Not Given 就叫做“完全臆想”式Not Given。和“部分臆想”式NotGiven 相比,此类Not Given 对于广大烤鸭而言会更加有难度,原因在于这类Not Given 在原文中不会出现任何相关信息,我们无法进行定位,考生们遇到这类Not Given时会花费大量时间去反复阅读,寻找这个完全没有出现的
信息,即使没有找到相关信息也不敢轻易作答,因为我们会担心漏读掉某些内容,谨慎又谨慎后才会下笔,在这种Not Given 上花费了较多时间。
大家都知道阅读中时间是影响成绩非常关键的因素,有没有什么办法能够缩短判断这类“完全臆想”式Not Given 的时间呢?当然有!这里给大家引入一种方法:双题定位法。
此种方法的原理就是利用了判断题的顺序原则,把每道题目定位的位置固定在前后两道题中间,只需要在两道题中间的位置寻找信息即可,这样就不必在文章各处反复确认“完全臆想”式Not Given 没有出现了,那么如何使用这种方法呢?
下面我们来举一个剑桥真题集 5 中的例子
1. Johnson has become more well known since his death.
2. Johnson had been planning to write a dictionary for several years.
3. Johnson set up an academy to help with the writing of his Dictionary.
It is highly appropriate that Dr. Samuel Johnson, the very model of an eighteenth-century literary man, as famous in his own time as in ours, should have published his Dictionary at the very beginning of the heyday of the middle class. Johnson was a poet and critic who raised common sense to the heights of genius. His approach to the problems that had worried writers throughout the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries was intensely practical. Up until his time, the task of producing a dictionary on such a large scale had seemed impossible without the establishment of an academy to make decisions about right and wrong usage. Johnson decided he did not need an academy to settle arguments about language; he would write a dictionary himself, and he would do it single-handed.
我们首先看题可以找出定位词more well known以及时间状语since his death,再看第二题找出定位词 planning to write 和for several years,带着这两道题的定位词回到原文中寻找答案,通过阅读我们可以定位到 …as famous in his own time as in ours…
接下来在看第三题的定位词academy,带着第二题和第三题的关键词回到题的原文出处继续阅读。我们会发现这样一句话Johnson decided he did not need an academy to settle arguments about language。对比原文和第三题的描述,两者构成了排斥关系,一个说不需要建立学院,另一个说建立了学院,所以此题答案为False。
按理说,第二题的答案应该出现在题和第三题中间的位置,但并没有出现关于Johnson 筹备的工作,所以,第二题我们可以判断为Not Given,且是“完全意淫”式Not Given。我们只需要把题和第三题中间的几行文字阅读完即能选出第二题的答案,这为后面的作答节省了大量时间。“双题定位法”对于考生快速记忆的要求较高,所以想要尝试此种方法的烤鸭们需要提高自己瞬时记忆的能力。
好了,关于“套路”最深的Not Given 我要跟大家分享的就是这些,希望同学们在平时练习的时候多多注意Not Given 的各种套路,体会本文给大家的讲解,将方法得以灵活运用。希望大家能够取得好成绩!