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《Let Me In》为你揭秘韩国整容风为何如此盛行?
2013年07月03日 01:57
供稿单位:互联网   责编:新航道小编  浏览 0

 最近,一个名字叫做《Let Me In》的韩国真人秀节目,为大家揭秘了为什么在韩国刮起了一阵整容的旋风,越来越多的人热衷于此,整容风盛行的背后到底是何种社会因素在职称着这股旋风的蔓延,成都新航道英语口语课堂带你走进整容背后的韩国社会。
    Is cosmetic surgery about more than just a pretty face?
    A TV show in South Korea argues that for some people, not only their looks but also their lives can be radically improved by going under the knife.
    Since its premiere two years ago on female-targeted cable network On Style, 'Let Me In,' an English/Korean portmanteau roughly translated as 'let women be beautiful,' has invited women with 'abnormal' facial or body features to undergo surgical procedures to alter their physical appearance and increase their self-esteem.
    The accounts of their emotional struggles and their stunning transformations have drawn record ratings, along with controversy about the portrayal of plastic surgery in a purely positive light.
    At a recent press conference for the launch of the show's third season, the production team challenged the accusation that the series encouraged more women to undergo potentially dangerous cosmetic surgery.
    Park Hyun-woo, the show's producer, said its selection committee, which includes plastic surgeons and a psychiatrist, only approves those candidates who can be substantially helped by surgery, rather than those looking to get a free makeover.
    'Just speaking about their physical appearance issues seemed to make them feel better,' said Mr. Park, adding that the stress from being unattractive is a real issue for the contestants. The number of people applying for the show has grown more than 12 times to 4,300 for the next series, which begins this week with male participants for the first time.
    'It's easy to say the standards of beauty are unfair or wrong, but if you haven't been in their shoes and couldn't carry on a normal life because of your looks, you shouldn't judge,' said Yang Jae-jin, the psychiatrist in the team.
    Beauty-related angst is common in South Korea, especially among the younger generation, because of a deep-rooted perception that good looks give you an edge in securing coveted work or other positions.
    Over a quarter of college students are said to consider cosmetic surgery for this reason, according to a recent survey by an online career portal site.
    The trend was reinforced by precarious job market conditions after the 1997 Asian financial crisis and the global economic downturn since 2008, according to Hur Song-woo, director of gender studies and activism at the Graduate School of NGO Studies at Sungkonghoe University in Seoul.
    'It's become a sign of an ambitious young female professional who's making an investment before entering the market,' said Ms. Hur. 'Those unable to afford plastic surgery, those with physical disabilities and those with a darker skin will be excluded further.'
    In the era of the ultra-competitive job market, women are encouraged to become more beautiful either to gain an advantage in the career race or to marry, according to Ms. Hur.
    South Korea has the world's highest number of cosmetic surgery procedures per capita, according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.
    Two past participants at last week's press conference supported Ms. Hur's argument, saying their improved looks pushed them to pursue bigger dreams.
    Park So-hyun, 24, from the inaugural season said she 'didn't know (she) was so loved by others' until after her face and body were transformed through multiple surgery and months of exercise. Ms. Park abandoned her studies in design to pick up art therapy, she said, in order to help others with similar inner struggles through beauty.
    Hur Ye-eun, 21, who said Ms. Park's episode inspired her participation during the second season, said she feels she's judged by appearance even more after the surgery, including by her parents. Initially at a loss for words to express their thoughts about their unrecognizable daughter, they soon raised their expectations for her future, she said.
    'My mom told me: 'You shouldn't let your face go to waste,'' said Ms. Hur, suggesting her prospects are brighter thanks to her newfound beauty.
    But those turning to surgical enhancements should be cautioned that so-called 'objective' beauty will change in the future due to shifting tastes, according to Noh Jai-sung, head of psychiatry and behavioral sciences department at Ajou University in Suwon.
    'It'd be easier for us to wear masks, like we wear clothes,' said Mr. Noh. 'What they're doing now is just avoiding showing who they are.'
    CJ E&M电视节目《Let Me In》的参与者之一Hur Ye-eun在接受整容手术前后的对比照片。韩国的一个电视节目认为,对某些人来说是这样,动刀子不仅会彻底改变他们的相貌,他们的生活也会随之发生巨大的变化。
    该节目名叫《Let Me In》,是英文和韩文合成词,大概相当于“让女人变美”的意思。该节目从两年前开始在韩国女性频道On Style上播出,邀请面部或身体有“异常”特征的女性进行整容,以改变她们的外貌──以及提升她们的自尊。
    节目制作人Park Hyun-woo说,甄选委员会的成员包括多位整容医生及一位精神病医生,他们只选择能通过整容得到很大帮助的候选人,而不是那些希望得到免费整容的人。
    Wall Street Journal/Alastair Gale首尔一个宣传整容医院的广告牌。Park说:“谈论选手的外貌问题似乎能让他们更好受些”,他说选手真正的问题是因为丑带来的压力。下一季申请参加节目的人数增加了12倍多,达到4,300人。该季从上周开始播出,出现了男性参选。
    团队中的精神病医生Yang Jae-jin说:“说‘美的标准’不公平或是有错很容易,但如果你没有亲身经历,没有因为相貌而无法进行正常生活的经历,你就不应该评头论足。”
    首尔圣公会大学(Sungkonghoe University)非政府组织研究研究生院性别研究及激进主义系主任Hur Song-woo表示,从1997年亚洲金融危机和2008年以来的全球经济萧条后,就业市场的状况就变得很不稳定,这使这种整容趋势得到了加强。
    据国际美容整形医生学会(International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons)统计,韩国的人均整容率居世界。
    季选手,24岁的Park So-hyun说,她“不知道自己被其他人这么喜欢”,直到脸部和身体通过多次手术和数月的锻炼后得到改变。她说,她放弃了设计专业,转而学习艺术理疗,以帮助其他因为外貌有相似内心挣扎的人。
    21岁的Hur Ye-eun说Park参与的那一集激励了她参加第二季的节目。她说,她觉得在手术后自己被“以貌取人”得更厉害了,包括自己的父母。她说,起初他们认不出自己的女儿,无法用言语表达自己对她的看法,但很快就对她的未来抱有了更大期望。
    但水原亚洲大学(Ajou University)精神病学及行为科学系主任Noh Jai-sung表示,进行整容的人应该谨慎,因为所谓的“客观标准的”美在未来会由于品味变化而发生改变。

