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来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2019-08-22 10:10




“Some people think that the fittest and strongest individuals will win in sports.Some people believe that success in any sport is much related to a good attitude.Discuss both of the views and give your own opinion.”


Being athletic requires strong muscles as well as physical agility and coordination.However,these qualities are not the complete recipe of success in the sport field.What is missing and however cannot be missing is sports people’s mentality,for example,their dauntless heart and perseverance.

Admittedly,without muscles,an athlete would not be able to smash the defense of the opposing team,or without an agile and well-coordinated body,an athlete would not be able to move around to bat where the ball shoots.At this point,we know that strength and coordination enable a sports person to perform.Yet,a victory is not guaranteed.Instead,a defeat is not unlikely.This is because when only the muscles and joints are in play,the player may be doing no more than mechanical swings,while the situation during a game is not static.As it varies,a player must adapt,and this is where the heart plays its role,more important than the muscles’.For example,facing a rival who is obviously stronger than he or she is,an athlete may otherwise outperform the opponent because when a loss is almost certain,the disadvantaged player may be more focused on the game.Meanwhile,the supposed winner may lose because the mind may be absent.

A good mentality also has the body at its command.When an athlete makes anadvantageous movement,it is not the muscles but the mind that desires a win.In other words,muscles follow the dictates of the mind.Therefore,an athlete cannot make proper moves unless his or her mentality is in the proper state,and a game would be lost as a result otherwise.

In conclusion,winning a sport game relates not only to one’s physique but also to the mental state.As a matter of fact,it depends more on mentality.


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