

读故事 | 别人都卖祖母绿,你卖的“祖母锚”是什么鬼?

2017年07月27日 01:57来源:互联网作者:合肥管理员


I once knew a woman who had a grandmother. Apart from that, she was always as busy as an ant, trying to angle for buyers to take her grandmother’s unwanted goods for a large amount of money. 




Once, when I was reading a college annual, she came to my apartment to pay a visit because she wanted me to buy an anchor as a wedding anniversary gift for my wife! She said it was an antique that her grandmother got from her ancestors.

一次我正在看大学年报,她到我的公寓来拜访我,想让我买一个锚送给我太太当作结婚周年纪念日的礼物! 她说这东西是古董,是她祖母的祖先传下来的。


 I took a quick look at it; it was old, even ancient, perhaps. Anyhow, it was certainly no more antique than her grandmother, so I said no. She was that sort of person, anyway; what you said amounted to nothing. She then tried to show me the ugly thing from different angles while we stood apart. At that point, her behavior reminded me of someone who might be anchoring a shopping program on television trying to angle the exhibit towards the camera. 



However, it fell over, hurting my ankle badly. What annoyed me most was that she was so amused, and burst into laughter. So I refused to invite her to my annual Valentine’s Day party, and anticipated that I wouldn’t see her again.



She must have wondered with anxiety and started to analyze the whole thing. Iwasn’t surprised when she announced that according to her analysis I owed her anapology.





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