


2017年07月29日 11:12来源:互联网作者:合肥管理员



1. Did you enjoy singing when you were younger? [Why?/Why not?]
参考答案 1 Nope. I can’t carry a tune and whenever I hung out with my friends at kauoke, I would stay in a comer and play with my ceU phone. If someone asked me to sing a song, that wouid be the beginning ofa tragedy, and 1 would be ashamed to do that.
参考答案 2 Certainly, always did, and always would. I also believe that anyone who loves singing must not be hesiUnt or shy to express thems«lv«$» because singmg is a fun and tension •releasing activity, and you do not needto be the greatest at it to showcase your talents to other people around you.

2. How often do you sing now? [Why]
参考答案 1 Occasionally, because I am too packed in recent days. As a sophomore, 1 have a plenty of things to do like assignments, papers, presentations and I cannot spare more free time to ring karate. If I sing in the dormitory, my dorm maces won't be in a good mood.
参考答案 2 I always sing. I sing alone and 1 sing with my friends. Singing is good for (he souJ. lt's an easy way for me to relax whenever 1 am stressed. My singing voref is horrible, but 1 don t really care. 1 will sing at any time, anywhere. I even incorporate lyrics in conversations with my friends and family.

3. Do you have a favorite song you like listening to? [Why?AVhy not?]
参考答案 1 Not really, because I 丨isten to different types music. It depends on my mood.when I am happy,I usually come to metai rok to boost up my emotion.When I need to relax ,or concentrate for staudying,I listen to R&B.When I am feeling the sense of patriotism,I turn to tradying music or folk muisc.
参考答案 2 Sure, Tiylor Swift or Tata is a welt-known name in China, and I do krve one of her fongft named You Belong with Me, because ifs associated with an intense emononal experience in my life.

4. How importam is singing in yom culture? (Why?]
参考答案 1 It’s essenliai in China because this is a huge country with many ethnic minorities and 1 heard that those minorities do take singing into account when maintaining their traditions. It5s a way for those guys to express feelings, ease mind and tell stories to next generations. Its part of their traditional culture.
参考答案2 When we sing songs from diverse cultures, we are granted with opportunities to learn about cultures of others, and gain a better understanding of our own. Thus, singing songs from different cultures may play important rde in defining our identities and in how we perceive and understand others and ultimately oundves.


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